Food & Mood: The Mindset Support Course!
Food & Mood: The Mindset Support Course!
Here's What's Included in the Course:
Approx 8 Hours of Content
Table of Contents:
Video 1: Your Why
Creating a POWERFUL, mind-transforming goal that tells your obedient subconscious exactly where you want it to PULL you to. This is my famous "Your WHY" video from my flagship weight loss program that sells for $2K. Women tell me again and again that this video alone, and the exercise contained within it, have been the most life-changing part of our work together and of getting their brain on board with shedding weight or achieving wellness.
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Video 2: The Life You Are Living Into
How to program your subconscious to drag you to your goals instead of self-sabotage you.
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Video 3: Our Brains Have Been Hijacked
Why you can't trust every signal coming from your brain (at first), where these 'non-you' signals come from, and how to change them so you can listen to your REAL intuition around food and health.
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Video 4: Emotional Eating
How to identify it (using evidence-backed online tests), and how to shift it so you stop sabotaging your goals with emo eating. Hint: 30 - 60% (or even more!) of us engage in emotional eating and many of us don't even know it! Here you'll find out how to identify what emotional eating truly is.
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Video 5: Food Addictions
How to know if you have food addictions (again using evidence based online testing), and what to do about them so you no longer have these tugging at your brain and artificially making you eat the wrong things - things that cause weight gain and ill health (even a food thats healthy for someone else can be addictive and damaging to another person!)
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Video 6: How To Handle Urges to Binge
Learning the good news that the 'binger' is not 'YOU' - and which part of your brain to listen to and 'sit in' instead to avoid binges now and in the future.
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Video 7: Excess Eating Due To Neurotransmitter Imbalances
Take the test in this lesson to see if you have an imbalance in one of your key brain chemicals that is causing you to crave or binge on salty, sweet, fatty, starchy or other foods! Learn which nutrition habits, supplements, and lifestyle hacks can rebalance each one.
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Video 8: True Hunger
Many of us don't actually know what True Hunger is and we often eat when we aren't even hungry at all! Learn how to identify the sensations and reality of True Hunger so that you only feed yourself when your body is actually asking for it. Get into greater alignment with your body and Intuition, and start giving your body the other non-food things it really needs - while sparing yourself the excess calories and imbalances.
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Video 9: How To Handle Friends, Family, Food & Events
How to speak your goals into reality (because the subconscious hears everything you say!), how to speak to friends and family about what you're up to so that THEY stop sabotaging you too, and how to handle food at events.
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Video 10: How To Handle Restaurants & Outtings
Do work or family events keep throwing off your ability to stick to your nutrition plan? Here's exactly how to handle this scenario mentally and physically so that you can still love going out, enjoying great food, and ALSO hit your weight and wellness goals.
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Video 11: Surviving the First 3 Days of a Nutritional Change
Old habits die hard, especially with a hijacked brain - so how do we survive the toughest first 3 days of a nutritional change while we wait for the brain-hijacking pathogens to die off? This video explains how! Experience true freedom after this and finally be in control of your food choices.
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Video 12: Passing Through the Eye of the Needle
Focusing again on those toughest first moments of giving up addictive foods that are harming us, or highly-palatable, dopamine-raising refined foods, I share the strategies and mindset to power through these tough times to a brighter, clearer future ahead - without a hijacked brain!.
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Video 13: How to Stay the Course & Stay Motivated
The downfall of Healing is that you feel SO GOOD compared to the way you used to feel - but it eventually becomes your 'new normal' and you forget how crappy you USED to feel. This can make motivation wane. This audio explains exactly how to Stay the course and stay motivated so you finally go all the way and hit your goals.
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Video 14: Being Afraid of Food, Being in the Mid-Healing Phase
So many women tell me, 'I'm afraid to become more allergic / sensitive to things if I change my diet.' They might heal halfway and even become afraid of foods hurting them. Here's the thing: if eating a certain way is making you more sensitive, you were actually ALWAYS sensitive, it's just that you've removed the brain fog and natural painkillers from your body and given yourself a chance to heal. Now your intuition speaks more CLEARLY and loudly. In this audio I teach you how to go all the way to healing, become more robust, and re-introduce your fave foods you may have given up.
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Video 15: Why Nourishing Yourself is a Generous Pursuit
This is a massive MINDSET REFRAMING video to put your subconscious on board with changing the way you eat, move, and live - because as you'll learn, it's actually the most GENEROUS thing you can do for your partner, your children, your family, your friends, coworker, clients, and career! (And, of course, yourself!)
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Video 16: Learning to Cook & Resistance to Food Prep
If you're famous for saying, "I hate cooking!" this video is for you. Could your resistance to preparing food ahead of time or cooking it yourself actually be a subconscious self-sabotage technique? Find out what to do about it with this video.
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Video 17: Eating on the Go
Do you eat out often because of work or an otherwise busy life? Do you find it derails your weight loss and wellness goals? This video provides an exact strategy of both how to get your mindset on board as well as physically what kind of foods to order that will help you stay on track - EVEN IF you're busy AF aka 'CEO of the Goddamn World!' as my friend puts it.
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Video 18: Outlasting the Old You Long Enough to Get To The New You
Changing the way we eat, move, and live literally requires the killing off of neural pathways that back habits that no longer support us, AND it requires the BIRTH of NEW neural pathways that back the new habits that will make the NEW us. It's not rocket science. But just because it's simple, doesn't mean it's easy. We have to outlast that OLD version of us to get to the new one - Here's How.
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Video 19: Overcoming Victim Mentality
Our society literally PROMOTES being in victim mentality because it makes it easier for Big Guv to manage us. Give them the finger and reclaim your sovereignty by learning how to step out of the Victim Mentality every single one of us is susceptible to at one time or another! Stepping out of this mentality - and into Powerful Response-Ability - is exactly how we achieve our weight and wellness goals.
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Video 20: Our Subconscious is a Rebellious Dog
This should really read that 1) Our subconscious will almost always rebel to changes in our nutrition and exercise unless we program it otherwise but also 2) Our subconscious is always a loyal dog - it's just that we haven't reprogrammed WHICH message it is being loyal TO. Learn exactly how to make this dog 'sic' the goal you want: weight loss, wellness, and more.
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Video 21: The Top 8 Limiting Beliefs Blocking Our Weight Loss & Wellness
AND exactly what to do about each one of them so they get the Hellllll out of your way! I promise you will see yourself in at least one of these, laugh a laugh of recognition, and then know exactly how to power through it!
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21 Videos.
8 hours of life-changing, mind-reprogramming content.
Weight Loss and Wellness Goals: Waiting to be achieved with a newly aligned brain.
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All prices in USD
21 lessons on how to make your MINDSET support you in your weight loss & wellness journey!
We dive into subconscious reprogramming around food and lifestyle changes.
We reframe limiting beliefs around changing our nutrition.
We tackle emotional eating and food addictions head on.
Most importantly we get out brain to SUPPORT us instead of sabotaging us any longer!
Get instant access now - sign up today!